LWD - Lightweight Deflectometer (Lightweight Dynamic load plate)

Lightweight Deflectometer
The light dynamic plate (PDL), called LWD (Lightweight Deflectometer or Light Weight Deflectometer) or even DP (portable deflectometer) performs the measurement of the more specific lift for the PF2. This is a light plate lift test.
Being portable, the PDL makes it possible to carry out tests where a dynaplate carrier vehicle or a truck for traditional tests with the plate could not enter or circulate, in bottom of excavations, between the rails of railways or tramways, to inside buildings, etc.
The soil is subjected to manual dynamic stress
3 shocks per test
Plate diameter: 300 mm
Measurement of 10 to 120 MPa modules corresponding to class PF1 to PF2 platforms
Number of tests per hour: up to 50
Test depth: between 30 and 60 cm depending on the ground
Standards : UNITED KINGDOM: BSI 1924-2 – Link to English standard
USA: ASTM_E2583-07 – Link to American standard
ITALY: UNI11531-1 – Link to Italian standard
GERMANY: ZTVE-StB 94 – Link to German standard
Find out more
The light dynamic plate (PDL), called LWD (Lightweight Deflectometer or Light Weight Deflectometer) or even DP (portable deflectometer) performs the measurement of the more specific lift for the PF2. This is a light plate lift test.
There are 4 standards in the world but not in France. However, one of the manufacturers offers equipment with directly correlated Edyn2 geolocated results on an Android mobile phone. This manufacturer is one of our partner manufacturers.
The light dynamic plate is a compact material, transportable in a single case.
Depending on the manufacturer, the measurements are more or less reliable and can be reproduced.
See Demonstration video Minidyn Rincent Deflectometer: Demo Minidyn video
See Video demonstration SOFTWARE Deflectometer Minidyn Rincent: Demo Software Minidyn video